About Vein Ulcers
Vein ulcers are a result of poor functioning venous valves causing high pressure in the veins and poor circulation. These are commonly seen on the inside and outside of the lower leg. This causes blood to pool and not return as it should to the heart. The high blood pressure causes the veins to stretch and leak leading to swelling and eventually tissue breakdown.

Stasis dermatitis or scaling and redness of the skin. Hemosiderin staining or brownish or yellow patches or even dark red and purple areas under the skin. Shallow ulcers with irregular edges that are typically around the lower leg and ankle. Ulcers usually ooze clear and sometimes yellow fluid.
Anything that results in blood pooling in the leg veins. The most common causes are varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, or heart failure. Most of the time ulcers result for faulty valves in the veins that cause blood to reflux down the legs.
Risk factors include: Diabetes, congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, pregnancy, obesity, deep vein thrombosis.
Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) to determine if there is also arterial insufficiency. Duplex ultrasound, Venography.
Treatment Options
- Wound care with a combination of endovenous treatment of the faulty veins.
- Compression stockings
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Sclerotherapy
- Varithena
- Phlebectomy
- Endovenous laser ablation.
- Venaseal